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Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 | Author:

Album cover by Alicia Searcy

Yes, we’ve finally put the wraps on our collection of new old material, “A Passing Glance Of Recognition.”  We’re still working on the Bandcamp gingerbread – you know, the bonus stuff that comes with the full album download.  Meantime, there’s a mighty fine pre-sale deal going on.  For a mere $5.00 USD, you can get 4 choice cuts for download instantly, and then download the rest starting 11/1/2011.  Which includes the gingerbread, of course.

Although this is a retrospective, it’s more than an exercise in moving some faders around, throwing some limiter on, and putting it out.  First, we had the fresh perspective of Matt McCabe of Finley Sound at the mixing board.  In addition to a fine set of ears and a musical aesthetic that overlaps ours in many areas, he has some neat toys that our wives would emasculate us for buying.  Second, well, once we got into the old multi-tracks, it was just hard to resist hitting “record.” 🙂

So some tracks got the once-or-twice-thru with Matt.  Others got tracks replaced, added, un-muted, as well as structural alterations.  So it’s a good cross-section for the n00bs, but also has new sprinkles for familiar-with-our-crap types.

We also dispensed with the DIY artwork for this one, enlisting the talented Alicia Searcy for the artwork.  (You can also reach her at GalleryCelesta AT gmail DOT com).

Here be the tracks:

1. Chance Meeting 4:12

2. The Way She Loves You 3:02

3. Live Aid ’85 4:38

4. Schizophrenic  5:06

5. Ball  5:32

6. Second Ecstasy 4:12

7. Dr. Armadillo 4:02

8. Wake Up And Close Your Eyes  4:10

9. Anna Gonna Miss Ya  2:48

10. Olive Juice Part I  3:41

11. Olive Juice Part II 6:06

12. Mopy Rick  5:03

13. Conformity  3:51

14. Fetid Felicity  3:54

15. You Take The Bridge  3:41

16. Behind The Scenes (Acoustic Melody) 5:41

17. Revenge Of The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Suite 8:03

I.              Stolen Flight

II.            Massacre

III.         Aftermath

17 tunes for 5 bucks!  GO!

Monday, March 07th, 2011 | Author:

…in 101 installments.

In this installment, we cover the first step: Compose one or more songs.  And by all means, when a tune hits you, get it recorded.  Use a Zoom thingy, or your studio setup, or voicemail, or your African Grey Parrot to get it documented.

Next month, Installment Two.

Ok, ok; I’ll cop to it…this is indeed a Gag Post.  Purely for the benefit of chain-yanking, the benefactor of which, specifically, is Bosco.  Or Peck.  I forget which of them runs their twitter account, @boscoandpeck.  They’re a tight little band from not too far from here.  Tight enough, in fact, that I’m not above linking their Soundcloud Account.

So anyway, we were tweeting back and forth that if you’re not careful whom you follow, as a musician, you’ll have an echo chamber of folks tweeting a never-ending promotional cacophony the likes of “101 Ways To Get Signed!”

So that’s that.  Oh, and our twitter handles again: doug_trianglex and steve_trianglex.  Feel free to follow us, but if we even catch a wiff of promotional echo chambery shenanigans, we prolly won’t reciprocate.


Monday, March 07th, 2011 | Author:

About a year ago, I stumbled upon a thread on the CDBaby message board.  Here’s the first post:

Great musicians needed to record cover tune for upcoming tribute album (specific song to be provided upon inquiry). Genre is blues/rock, reminiscent of The Rolling Stones or The New York Dolls. If chosen, candidate will be required to provide an album-ready recording of the song NO LATER than October 10th [2009]. Ownership of recording remains with artist, great opportunity for exposure to a wide audience. Chosen artist will be promoted in press materials carried by such high-traffic news sites as Blabbermouth, Metal Sludge, Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles,, etc. Current artist roster includes founding members of Twisted Sister, Cinderella, Quiet Riot, Danger Danger, Trixter and others. Interested parties should submit song samples via weblink only (no attachments) to the address below. You will be contacted if you are being considered.

Here’s the next post:

Thanks but no Thanks I wouldnt be caught dead on a cd with a bunch of 80s hairbands that almost destroyed rock music well maybe not Quiet Riot althought most of their music was from a band called “Slade” if this were Steve Vai, Joe Satriani or Eric Johnson I would jump at the chance…but anyway maybe more stuff like this will come along in the future….

And the thread then promptly degenerated into an intra-membership flame fest and died a quick death.

But, in order to ruin your image, you must first have one.  We were therefore immune to that peril.

CDBaby are currently accepting stories from the chronicles of independent musicians, and so Steve and I recorded a short bit about the whole affair, and I will now attempt to embed this little podcast-y endeavor riiiiiiight….

HERE! ~> TX Entertaining Experience128

I hope it sounds ok – I had to squeeze it down a bit to fit it through WordPress’s 10mb window.  I know, I know, all you blogging cognoscenti; there are ways to embed hi-res audio into one’s post.  I’m just feeling a bit lazy tonight.

Right, so there you have it! Cheers!



Saturday, August 14th, 2010 | Author:

…which started the whole intarwebs yawning.

Oh dear, I hope not.

But in the interest of not having this space be an unbroken series of publicity for Triangle Exception, Topic #1 comes to us from the Do-Gooder Bloggers And The Good They’re Doing file.  Brought to my attention by UK twitter pal Chrissie, it seems that three “Mummy Bloggers” are moving their operation to Bangladesh, to provide first-hand reporting on Save The Children and their efforts there.  Ambitious lot, that.

Phils 0-0 against the Mets, top of 3rd inning.  Good – I haven’t missed much yet.

Where was I?  Oh yes!  The next Six String Bliss compilation album, which will feature a contribution from non other than your heroes, Triangle Exception.  (There goes the break in publicity, no?)  Well, the theme of the album is no strange concept to us – recording a familiar song in a different genre, or put another way –

Album Cover Front-RunnerWe’ve been tight-lipped about our tune.  But here’s some tidbits: It’s a Rush tune.  The styles we’re running it through will include:  Umphrey’s McGee (jam band), Crosby Stills And Nash (early-70’s folk rock), Smashing Pumpkins (90’s alt-rock), Green Day (90’s alt-punk), and Stevie Wonder and Parliament Funkadelic (7o’s funk).

Our work on the aforementioned project was briefly interrupted by recording our entry for the Hypebot Hit Song Contest.  Everyone gets the same lyrics, which were hatched by Hypebot’s Kyle Blylin, using a data-driven method involving the top words culled from pop music c. 2010.  The entrants are charged with putting music to these lyrics to create the most stereotypical pop song possible.  We did a twist – for our pop tune, we went with stereotypical Country.  That’s right – Triangle Exception’s first country tune!  It was a hoot, and is now being mixed by the golden-eared Matt McCabe at Finley Sound.  Should be uploaded early next week.

Right then, back to the ballgame.



Category: Uncategorized  | 2 Comments
Monday, July 19th, 2010 | Author:

Taking a break from recording a tune for the next Six String Bliss album.  Nothing like cold water on the bum to counter a heat wave.

Monday, October 26th, 2009 | Author:

Kind of a non-news news item: We’re contributing to a tribute album, the theme of which we can’t divulge.  Can’t divulge the song, either!  But the album is due for release this Spring – and you’ll be the first to know when it dwops!

As a small hint, Doug had to set the geetar up for “Open-G” tuning, and go all Keef Richards with the playing.  But it’s not a Stones tune.

Thursday, June 11th, 2009 | Author:

Avoid buyer’s remorse.  Read teh review 🙂

Thursday, April 09th, 2009 | Author:

Some thoughtful words from a progressive music blogger:

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009 | Author:

So, as a goof, for a buddy, we reduced the download price of our first two releases to $1.00 ea.   AND NOW IT’S STUCK THAT WAY!  So go to  Odds are, they’re still there.  At least until we “figure out” how to change them back.  In really early March.


Saturday, February 14th, 2009 | Author:

Yep, if you’re into the whole download method, H-Town is ready!  It’s available in the “iTunes Plus” format, as are our previous releases!


Download early and often!
